
Supplying to Austal Australia

Austal Australia is focused on the delivery of major contracts for the design, construction and provision of through-life support services of naval and other defence vessels in Australia.

Our primary shipbuilding (and service) operations are located in Henderson, Western Australia.

Additional service centres located in Darwin in the Northern Territory, and Cairns and Brisbane in Queensland provide support to defence vessels, commercial operators and private yacht owners.

Get On Board

Austal proudly supports Australian industry and proactively prioritises working with Australian companies to procure the very best materials, parts, components and equipment to design, construct and support the highest quality commercial and defence vessels.

Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) businesses interested in opportunities to supply goods and/or services to Austal Australia, including the Strategic Shipbuilding Program, who hold a registered ABN, ACN, or NZBN, please go to Gateway by ICN - Project details  to register for updates.

Austal uses Gateway by ICN to announce work package opportunities as they become available.

All other (non-ANZ, International) businesses who wish to register their company’s interest, capabilities, products, services and contact details with Austal Australia, please go to NON-ANZ SUPPLIER REGISTRATION OF INTEREST | Austal: Australia 

Austal's Purchase Order Terms and Conditions are available for viewing/download from the link below.

Supplier compliance management through JOSCAR

Austal Australia has implemented the user-friendly, online solution, JOSCAR, or the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register by Hellios, to standardise and streamline the collection of supplier compliance information required when supplying to the defence sector. 

Austal Australia joins more than 10 other defence prime contractors using the JOSCAR platform, ensuring cohesion for our supply chain in the management and collation of your data.

JOSCAR streamlines the supplier engagement process, making it easier and more efficient for you to do business with major buyer organisations in the defence industry like Austal. Joining JOSCAR offers several benefits for suppliers:

  • Simple online process for submitting compliance information, reducing costs and administrative burden.
  • Tailored questions relating specifically to the products and services your organisation provides, making the process more relevant and efficient.
  • Ease of maintenance and response time - Maintaining and updating your online profile will ensure ongoing compliance with Austal requirements and reduce the need to provide assurance information each time you bid for business with Austal. This will speed up the contracting process.
  • Automated reminders of required documentation such as insurance and certification will be sent to you, meaning your profile is easily kept up to date.
  • Exposure to multiple buying organisations using the system, enhancing efficiency and avoiding duplication. One registration meets the pre-qualification requirements of multiple organisations.

JOSCAR onboarding is managed by Hellios. For more information about the onboarding process, reach out to their support team on 07 2142 0490 or email

Austal Purchasing Terms and Conditions

 It is recommended that current and prospective Suppliers familiarise themselves with Austal’s Purchasing Terms and Conditions, prior to supplying goods and services to Austal.

Supplier HSE and Quality Requirements

Austal have published two separate Supplier Requirements Manuals for HSE and Quality to provide general guidance to Suppliers who supply goods or services to Austal Australia. The manuals define the Health, Safety, Environmental and separately the Quality requirements placed on you, as the Supplier, by Austals Management Systems.

The requirements outlined in the manuals are applicable to all Suppliers engaged on terms and conditions by Austal through a Purchase Order (PO), or a contract, to supply products or services.